Still have a few does to add, not quite sure who I want to breed them to yet. When they are bred, their bred and due date will be listed under their picture.
Since we've had a lot of up and down weather and fall is here, this is a good time to really keep your eye on the goats for pneumonia. Even if it's not super cold, the going from warm to cold and back can cause it.
Things to watch for:
- Listlessness. If you see a goat hanging back from the others, and not as active, something is up.
- Hunched up. This is because they really don't feel good and a sign not to ignore.
- Loose poop. Intestinal pneumonia can cause loose poop so keep an eye out for any who have it (could also be heavy worm load).
- Sub-normal or high temp. A temp below 100* is not good and the goat should be treated immediately, get them warm and in a draft-free (not damp) place A.S.A.P. A high fever should be treated with Banamine or animal Aspirin as soon as possible as well.
- Green mucus from nose. This means the animal had mucus in their lungs and can cause breathing problems, and make them not want to eat.
- Cough. A deep hacking cough is another sign.
First, if possible, put it and a buddy in a pen away from the rest of the herd so you know it is getting enough food and water and not having to compete. Make sure the hay is good quality and not dusty to avoid aggravating the lungs. Water should always be clean and changed as soon as it gets dirty or old. Give grain 2-3 times a day in small amounts as to not overwhelm the stomach. Also take the temp right away so you know if you are dealing with fever or subnormal temp.
- Give LA200 or Nuflor (for treating the pneumonia) according to bottle directions/vet directions. Since both of these sting, I give them SQ over the ribs where there is less meat.
- Give Banamine (for fever/pain) according to bottle/vet directions for no more then five days (due to possible liver damage). Due to the fact Banamine stings, I prefer to give it orally, it works quicker as well.
- Start Probios to keep the gut (stomach) working, follow directions on label.
- Vitamin B orally daily (to simulate appetite). Follow directions on label, draw up in syringe, remove needle, and squirt down throat (make sure to do it slowly and don't tilt the head straight up, go at an angle).
Fall is a beautiful time of the year, just remember the temp changes can affect any animal and keep an eye out for anything unusual. If you breed in the fall for spring kids, you want all your goats to be in the best health before breeding so they don't have any issues while pregnant. Now is a good time to go through and deworm/hoof trim those who need it to avoid doing it while they are pregnant as well.
*Please note I am not a vet nor claim to be one. Any info on this blog or my site should be used as a guideline. If you have any issues or concerns with your goats, you should contact your vet immediately.*